We Deal In Lead
A facility worth a million - excellent instructors - group information - lodging. See you on the range!

General Purpose Long Gun Course
This Course is specifically designed to acquaint the shooter with the capabilities of the weapons system that he is utilizing. It's focus is on long range precision shooting on a consistent basis regardless of the type of system being used.
This course is a Long Gun Course for serious, precision hunters. Sharpshooter techniques include marksmanship, range estimation, ballistics, stress shooting, while utilizing ranges up to 900 yards. Range TEC. requests that you provide your own quality scope with a BDC, Range Finder, Anemometer, and Ballistics App.
Eye Protection and Ear Protection
Suitable Clothing for the Season
Leather Adjustable NRA Type Sling, Adjustable Bi-Pod, Shooting Sticks
Shooting Mat
Spotting Scope
Range Finder is recommended but not required
Precision Heavy Barrel Rifle
A High-Quality Scope (with a BDC / HORUS Reticle/ Mil-Dot or something equivalent)
Leather Shooting Glove or Shooting Sock
Ballistics App on your smartphone
100 Rounds Match Grade, Same Lot Number (Per Day)
Additional Training Availability and Fees Looking for more?
Just Inquire - we have it!
We welcome you to stay with us!
2 Day Class
3 Day Class

General Purpose Long Gun (1 Day)